Reflections on 2020 and my wish for you

As 2020 comes to a close and we step foot into 2021, we all hope for a "better"New Year.

2020 taught us that we can have the best laid plans, think we’ve got it all “under control” and things can still go completely different to our hopes and expectations!

I wish for us all that 2021 will be gentler on us, letting us heal, reset, reignite our dreams and restart bringing them to life. Not only as a better version of ourselves, but a more authentic one, one which is more aligned to our souls purpose and more deeply connected with ourself, our loved ones and this one home we all share

Last year has taught me many things, here are my Top 7...maybe the resonate with you, too.

1.) In the physical isolation from loved ones, I remembered what is most important to me: my family, close friends and connection with those I love (two-and four-legged)

2.) Temporarily (and by choice), living in a different suburb in a different socio-economic environment, I became aware how much I jumped into judgment of others, separating myself from them. I learnt to see beyond the surface and started to embrace the yogic concept of “oneness” on a much more tangible level.

3.) Thanks to travel restrictions and physical distancing, I explored the power of technology as a means to connect, not distract. I became comfortable teaching yoga classes online, found a riding coach in Germany with whom I have regular online lessons and have deepened relationships to family and friends in Germany despite not being able to travel.

4.) I stepped outside of my comfort zone and said “yes” to “scary things”, like sitting my EA Dressage Level 1 Coach exam, hosting my first Yoga Workshop, launching my website, competing a clients horse... and all of these “yes’s” have taken me to some of my most exciting and fun experiences in 2020. I met amazing new people (mentors, coaches, clients and friends), built a community of likeminded horse lovers that are compassionate AND competitive, and have learnt so much from “putting myself into the arena”, as Brenée Brown would say.

5.) A quote by Anaïs Nin states, “We don’t see people as they are. We see people as we are.” I believe that through personal development experiences one can explore and work through limiting habits and behaviours. This year I completed the Hoffman process, a one week residential retreat working on an emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual level, helping individuals make significant positive changes in their life. This week enabled me to reconnect with my inner child and reignite a sense of play and joy in my work, my parenting and my riding ... something I will be bringing more of into my services in 2021.

6.) A renewed appreciation of my teachers, mentors and coaches, who support me developing my skills, expanding my knowledge and gently nudging me to keep moving out of my comfort zone and tapping into my true potential.

7.) Gratitude. Gratitude. Gratitude. For those I love most in my life, for my circle of close friends and the animals that I can’t imagine living without, for their and my health, for my home and the people I share it with, for the amazing communities I am a part of and the networks of inspiring and empowering people I have build around me, for yoga guiding me through this one life I’ve been given with its ancient wisdom and tools applicable to our modern world, for nature teaching me about resilience, adaptability and beauty, and for YOU!

My wish for you, in 2021 and every day:

May you be safe,

May you be healthy,

May you be happy, and

May you live life with ease


Anna x